Ingemar Bengtsson
My name is Ingemar Bengtsson, and I have
been a lecturer at Fysikum in Stockholm since '93 (and a professor since
'00). My previous "career" was at Chalmers, CERN and Imperial College.

This is me (as drawn by Jörgen Hansson in
research areas that I like the best usually have something to do with geometry.
General relativity is a favourite. Most of my work there is on black holes. My
strongest prejudice is that the world has four dimensions; this is the
direction in which I look for clues about quantum gravity. Then I work on
quantum information theory, since the geometry of the space of quantum states
is wonderful and rather mysterious. What I find fascinating about relativity
and quantum mechanics---as it happens, the two deepest theories we have---is
that their basic equations have been around for a century, and yet
they keep springing conceptual surprises on us. I am looking for the next
surprise there, but I do keep a weather eye open on other subjects as well.
There are two things on my mind at the moment: An unexpected connection between
quantum mechanics and the deeper recesses of number theory, and the localisation of
energy in relativity.
I am told that some scientists think that there is something queer going on in
the Universe while others, on the whole, don't. I tend towards the former
viewpoint, but this is probably not apparent from my published papers. Some
examples of those are:
Well, it goes on. I wrote my
best paper this year. Of course,
not all my papers are published.
If any youngster wants to see what a
"preprint" used to look like, here is one:
With Karol Zyczkowski from Krakow
I have written a book on quantum mechanics, seen through our eyes. The Cambridge University Press published the second
edition in 2017:
I occasionally try to write popular
science articles. They are all in Swedish:
If you want to hear me trying to explain gravity (på svenska), you can do it from home.
My views on teaching happen to be identical to those of Fred Hoyle, as
expressed in " The Universe: Past and present reflections
" (Ann. Rev. Astr. Astrophys. 1982), so there is no need to repeat them here. This academic year I teach Electrodynamics:
Elektrodynamik I. The book for the course is no less than that of J. D. Jackson,
3d ed. For the details see the course homepage
I enjoy
supervising Master's Theses and such things. I have made a little collection of all theses
that I saved the pdf files for on a special
thesis page.
Examples of lecture notes
My present graduate student is Ole Sönnerborn.
My Erdös number is 3. My Einstein number is 4. My Bohr number is 3.
And one more thing. A quote from James Lovelock, which I
have had occasion to think about, quite some time ago actually:
"Of all the prizes that come from surviving more than fifty years, the
best is the freedom to be eccentric."

Many years later in Meknes. Photograph by Adan Cabello.
Test for Vlad